Kids ruin Everything

Being a homosexual, I am not constrained by the societal norms to pro-create.  And, although many of my gay brethren are fathering children, I am still undecided when it comes to my desire to be a dad.

I think I would make a good father but I also like to be really selfish…so who knows.  Then comes this story from the New York Times.  Essentially, I am nearing my prime “furniture” buying years and I have some pretty refined tastes, so when I have the moolah, I am not going to be stopping by Ikea to get the goods.

But now I am worried.  What if I want to have kids later on and I have invested in all these great (and expensive) material possessions?  How will I protect them and my child?  After a little soul searching, I have found the answer….

I am just going to have a baby now!  Getting the baby having out of the way now is perfect timing, because I really don’t own anything nice for said baby to ruin.  Then I can have a baby shower to acquire all the necessary baby things. Two worries down!

Now, where does one go to buy a high-end, designer baby with Stain protector that will match the soft blue and tan color scheme of my hipster apartment?

About lajay

crazy kid living it up in L.A.
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